Questions & Answers

Do I need a boat lift?

A boat lift accounts for only a small percentage of your boating expense, yet it greatly reduces maintenance, pays for itself, and adds enjoyment to your boating experience.

Eighty-five percent of boats that sink, do so at the dock. Typically, a simple dead battery or a failed bilge pump is all it takes to lose your boat.

Boat lifts keeps your boat clean and ready to launch in seconds. You’ll be able to use your boat far more often, with greater enjoyment and less time spent cleaning. Be proud of your good-looking, clean boat.

Dry storing your boat on a boat lift can increase a boats resale value by nearly 15% -20%. A clean bottom enhances performance, saves fuel, increases range and eliminates the recurring cost of bottom painting.

How much does a Boat Lift cost?

Due to the complex designs, there is a wide price range so please try to compare the same features of each product as many boat lifts may be different from each other.

How much does a Piling Dock cost to build?

The costs associated with dock construction are extremely variable. Prefabricated or assembled docks can be as cheap as $1,000 while high-quality permanent docks can cost between $50,000 and $75,000, depending on the difficulty of installation, water depth, climate, and other factors. Selecting the type of dock to construct may be the biggest decision homeowners make during this process. Ultimately, this is what will determine the total project cost.

Piling docks are constructed by driving pilings, generally robust wooden beams with a cylindrical appearance, into the lake bed. The decking is connected to the pilings to form a structurally sound and attractive dock. Estimates vary, but in general, homeowners should budget for between $20 and $40 per square foot for a basic piling dock and more for one with aesthetic features or high-end construction.

They are more expensive than floating docks due to the added difficulty of installation. Piling docks are permanent and durable if maintained properly. They also offer homeowners more options to customize the dock. Adding electrical for a boat lift or mooring system is a possibility here.

How is construction on a Piling Dock different in southwest Florida?

You may need to get an Environmental Resource Permit for construction of certain docks from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The Florida DEP has a list of stipulations concerning the necessity to get a permit which you can read on their website by clicking here.